Buenas tardes de Cozumel,
We have now left Tulum, the city of hippies with cheap cabanas on the beach where iguanas poop on you at night - true story, it happened to a poor Swiss girl that we met! We spent 2 days in Playa del Carmen, the fastest growing area of Mexico, which is completely rebuilt after Wilma the hurricane last year. On est vraiment craquées de plongée alors on n'a pas arrêté!!! Day one in Playa del Carmen was 2 more cenote dives completed by a tour in a local bar also built in a grotto (on ne se tanne pas!). Day 2 in PDC started with 2 amazing reef dives in 5 knot current, watching gigantic turtles grazing the bottom and landing in a school of 50 huge tarpons which are gigantic sardines about 6 feet big. Moi j'avais faim alors je me demandais 'ça se mange-tu ces trucs-là?'... nitrogen does funny things to you, I tell you... :). Then on the same day we packed our wet stinking stuff in my net bag, checked out of our Playa del Carmen hotel, boarded the ferry to Cozumel, arrived in our Cozumel hotel, and proceeded in doing the night dive there too. Faut être motivées! Ou folles drette! The night dive was awesome, gigantic gray moray eels the size of me (or bigger!), 4 octopuses, a scorpionfish, a lobster scared by our dive lights whom bumped into a gigantic king crab also confused by us....
Cozumel has been damaged by hurricane Wilma last year and apparently the reefs have been affected. I ain't complaining though, the viz is still quite acceptable although not spectacular, and there is a lot of sand on the reef as well. But the fishies and the baby fishies are all there, it is all teeming with life. We are diving with a bunch of Americans who invade the island and drive the prices up. But the diving is still not too expensive when one can share a room.
Alors c'est les nouvelles. Pas d'anecdotes marrantes comme à Tulum, ici c'est plus civilisé, on a l'air climatisé et l'eau courante. La santé va bien, et on vous envoie des photos!!!
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